
How Inflation Affects Purchasing Power & Consumer Habits (Volume II)

The new survey by Focus Bari and the comparison of Greece with 18 other countries conducted through the YouGov network.

High prices and inflation have a direct impact on the consumption habits of both Greeks and nationally. Consumers’ fixed income has decreased significantly forcing the majority to follow “smart shopping” techniques to save money.

See the whole survey presentation here

Xenia Kourtoglou, founder of Focus Bari, at the 14th DIY & Home Improvement Conference

With leading international speakers and a cumulative participation of all industry and retail executives in home construction and decoration, the 14th DIY & Home Improvement Conference took place on November 29, 2023 at the Benaki Museum amphitheater. For the fifth year in a row, Xenia Kourtoglou was an invited Keynote Speaker to provide, through her presentation, the latest trends in the Greek market and society in general, which constitute valuable information for every modern business. Titled “Insights into the Modern Greek Society”, Xenia Kourtoglou covered the relationship of the Greek public with technology and AI, the social issues and trends that directly affect home purchases, as well as a short “psychogram” of the 4 generations that co-exist in today’s society and work environments and are called to cooperate and co-exist harmoniously for all!

See Xenia Kourtoglou’s presentation here

Xenia Kourtoglou at the 3rd Aquaculture Symposium 2023

The third Symposium on Fish Farming with the theme “Transformation and resilience of Greek fish farming towards a socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable development” was concluded on December 27, 2023 at the Ledra Marriott with great success, massive participation of delegates and the presence of representatives of the political space and institutions. The Symposium is under the auspices of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, the University of Patras and with the support of HAPO. Xenia Kourtoglou was the guest speaker, as Focus Bari has systematically conducted research on the consumption of farmed fish from 1994 until recently: especially for Symposium 2023, Focus Bari designed and implemented an exclusive survey that revealed particularly interesting facts about the temporal relationship of the Greeks with fish, combined with the evolving conditions of the market and the society, which are related and directly affect the eating habits and choices of the public.

How Inflation Affects Purchasing Power & Consumer Habits

The new survey by Focus Bari and the comparison of Greece with 18 other countries conducted through the YouGov network.

High prices and inflation have a direct impact on the consumption habits of both Greeks and nationally. Greece ranks very high among countries that report a decline in purchasing power and high rates of concern.

See the presentation here

Focus Bari for the 23rd year at the Prix de Beaute / Beauty Awards 2023

The awarding of the Prix de Beaute 2023 took place on November 21, 2023 at the Grande Bretagne Hotel, with great success and a large attendance of executives from all over the cosmetics/beauty products industry. This institution, which started with the initiative of Votre Beaute magazine in 2000, is the only one which involves consumers and beauty experts’ voting in highlighting the products that are awarded, through research conducted by Focus Bari, and the results of which are made available to the contestants in full transparency. Xenia Kourtoglou, Founder of Focus Bari, honored the event with a greeting at the beginning of the evening, emphasizing the importance and credibility of these awards, congratulating the products that stood out, among which were several new Greek brands.


Global Public Confidence Study on Health Care

Good, proper and organized health care is an issue that concerns people worldwide regardless of the country they live in: today, it seems that National Health Systems are “suffering” internationally, and significant proportions of citizens attribute the problems of health systems to ineffective management and/ and insufficient funding.

See the whole survey presentation here

Έρευνα Κοινής Γνώμης για την Κλιματική Αλλαγή σε 27 χώρες

Η κλιματική αλλαγή αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό ζήτημα στις μέρες μας και φαίνεται να απασχολεί περισσότερες χώρες. Σχεδόν κάθε χώρα υποστηρίζει πως η κλιματική αλλαγή είναι σημαντικό πρόβλημα περισσότερο για όλο τον πλανήτη παρά ξεχωριστά για την χώρα ή την περιοχή στην οποία ζουν οι ίδιοι.

Δείτε όλη την παρουσίαση της έρευνας εδώ

35 years of Focus Bari

Completing 35 years of successful progress in the Greek market and with international relations and recognition, our team celebrated its birthday in a meeting full of emotion, love and immense joy for the imprint that these 35 years leave in our hearts, filling them with strength and enthusiasm for the years to come! In these 35 years, Focus Bari has “written history” in the market of Media, Communication, Technology, Digital & e-commerce, Telecommunications, Energy and many other sectors, establishing metrics that consitute the “currency” of the market. With thousands of projects, millions of interviews with all kinds of people and professionals, Focus Bari is the “lovebrand” in the Research market, with a signature synonymous with reliability. With such a legacy, let’s continue tirelessly for the future!

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