
Group 193

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09 / 102024Views & Proposals of Greeks on the Panic Button and the Protection of Minors

Safety of minors at the forefront: Greeks Demand Responsibility, Innovation and Cooperation!

According to a new nationwide survey by Focus Bari, entitled:

"Opinions & opinions. Suggestions of Greeks on the Panic Button and the Protection of Minors",It is found that:

  • The majority of Greeks express moderate support for the expansion of Panic Button, recognizing its importance in the prevention and safety of minors.
  • Half of Greeks express reservations about the extension of the measure,underlining the need for proper education and information in order to ensure its responsible use.
  • The effectiveness of the Panic Button depends on the immediate information & response of the Authorities and the education of children and guardians.
  • Public opinion recognises the mainstays of child safety in the public spaces, the police, schools and local authorities.
  • Around two out of three Greeks believe that private companies can enhance the protection of minors through sponsorship for information and prevention.

See the whole survey presentation here

01 / 102024Parental Concerns in Greece: from safety to school shopping

More than one in two parents express concern about the safety of their children in the school environment!

According to a new nationwide survey by Focus Bari, entitled: "Parental concerns in Greece: From safety to school shopping" , it is found that:

  • Mental balance & bullying are the main parental concerns most prominently among moms and parents of teen and pre-teen children at the start of this school year.
  • For the new school year, parents choose school supplies mainly based on low prices and offers, taking into account the preferences of their children, while quality and durability seem to come in "second place" in view of the tight finances in Greek household.
  • The average expenditure on school supplies is €128, with older parents spending more.
  • Almost three out of four parents prefer to buy school supplies from physical stores, with just 7% opting exclusively for online shopping for these items.
  • Parents sourced school equipment from both well-known chain stores and local bookshops, with some choosing supermarkets.

See the whole survey presentation here

11 / 092024Universal use of internet via smartphone in Greece with the launch of TikTok!

According to the new edition of Focus on Tech Life by Focus Bari, which has been conducted nationwide continuously since 1995, it is observed:

  • Significant increase in internet use by people aged 65-74 in Greece.
  • Greeks say they spend about 1.5 hours a day on social media, which they use mainly for entertainment and information, but also to keep their relationships with friends and family alive.
  • TikTok and Instagram absolutely dominate among 16-24 year olds, while Facebook remains most popular among 35+ year olds.
  • 65% of Greeks say that online shopping makes their lives easier.
  • Two out of three people have shopped online in the last six months, spending an average of €976.
  • Men mainly choose electronics (33%) for online shopping, while women spend their money on clothes (49%).
  • Debit cards and cash on delivery are the preferred payment methods for online purchases by the public.

See the whole survey presentation here


29 / 082024Only 5% of Greeks are aware of laws and initiatives against femicide, despite the general consensus that femicide is a serious social threat.

According to the new nationwide survey by Focus Bari, on "Feminicide in the
Greece: Truths & Understanding the Phenomenon", it is found that:


  • 91% of citizens see sex offenders as the main perpetrators of femicide
    partners or spouses, with jealousy being the main motive at 84%.
  • Younger generations see femicide as a complex issue that is linked
    not only to domestic violence, but also to mental illness, stereotypes against
    stereotypes against women, and social inequalities, while pointing to the weakness
    protection of vulnerable social groups.
  • 82% of Greeks appear dissatisfied with the response of the
    the judicial system in dealing with femicide, while 78% are not satisfied with the reaction of the judicial system to the treatment of femicide.
    believe that there are not enough support services for victims.
  • A significant majority of citizens recognise the crucial role of the media in
    in shaping public opinion on femicide, although opinions differ
    on how the issue is covered.
  • There is a broad consensus among citizens on the need for prevention and
    public awareness in order to address the phenomenon of
    and to maintain social cohesion.

See the whole survey presentation here

15 / 072024Only 13% of Greeks are aware of the global leadership of Greek shipping, while young people are completely unaware of the fact (1%)

New Pan-Hellenic Survey by Focus Bari

According to a new Pan-Hellenic Survey by Focus Bari, on the perceptions of
Greeks' perceptions of merchant shipping and the challenges facing the industry,
it is found that:
- A sense of seafarers' confidence is not well developed among Greek children, with two out of
The maritime skills are not well developed among Greek children, with two out of three Greeks stating that they are not cultivated at all.
- Although 45% of respondents consider Greek merchant shipping to be very much a part of the Greek economy, it is still not well developed.
developed, young people have the opposite opinion.
- 53% of Greeks would not choose or would not recommend someone of their own
to be involved in shipping
- Although 64% of citizens assess that Greek merchant shipping would not be the most attractive option for them.
develop in the future, only 26% consider it an important source of income for the national economy

- Finally, there is a clear need for action in terms of strengthening the
young people's relationship with shipping.
 See the full survey here

02 / 072024Only one in ten Greeks say they are happy with their life in Greece – International Survey “Dreams & Aspirations” in 17 countries by IRIS Network and Focus Bari for Greece

Focus Bari, representing in Greece the international network IRIS (International Research Institutes), participated in an original survey on "Aspirations - Dreams - Expectations" designed and implemented on the initiative of the network in 17 countries at the beginning of 2024.

According to the very interesting findings :
- Only one in ten Greeks say they are happy living the life they would like to live, and the rest feel a great distance between reality and dream!
- The proportion of "happy" citizens varies from country to country, without this necessarily being linked to their living/economic level!
- Nevertheless, the common aspiration of the peoples of all countries is a better everyday life and a higher standard of living.
- As a priority of their governments, all peoples consider that citizen care should be at the first level compared to international influence/position.
- Seven out of ten Greeks feel that as a people we have no common dream, and a strong desire is to feel "proud of their country again"!
- Six out of ten Greeks would like, if they could, to live in another country, preferably Switzerland, the USA, Italy and others.

See the whole survey presentation here

14 / 062024Two out of three Greeks say they spend time aimlessly on Social

According to the new edition of Focus on Tech Life of Focus Bari which has been conducted nationwide continuously since 1995:

  • All Greeks (96%) are internet users, while 79% of those aged 65-74 years surf daily, and even from their mobile phones, as...
  • Smartphone ownership has reached 95% in Greece
  • The use of social networks is the number one reason to connect to the internet, while...
  • Two out of three Greeks admit to idly browsing through social media
  • Seven out of ten Greeks have made at least one online purchase in the last six months, and the trend for online shopping is on the rise.
  • Finally, more than one in two Greeks consider AI to be a development in the advancement of technology, but...
  • Seven in ten are concerned about the possibility of AI getting "out of control"

See the whole new FOTL Tips issue here

04 / 062024One in three Greeks bet while a sporting event is in progress!

Teams, fans and betting were the focus of Focus Bari's latest Nationwide Survey, which-among other things-showed that:

  • Two out of five Greek fans (42%) believe that betting companies should sponsor sports and teams, while...
  • More than one in three (35%) expect their team sponsors to provide them with special privileges and offers
  • Seven in ten Greeks admit that betting on sports is addictive, but...
  • One in three like to bet as a game is in progress, while...
  • There is a clear link between betting and watching sporting events, meaning that when you bet on an event, you are likely to watch it in progress!

See the whole survey presentation here

21 / 052024Greeks and Gambling Volume I

Focus Bari's latest research shares a survey about Greeks and Gambling

See the full presentation here

16 / 042024Greeks & Mental Health – Self Improvement

Focus Bari's latest research shares a survey about Greeks and their mental health and self-improvement methods

See the full presentation here

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