
Love & Marriage: Greeks contemporary attitudes based on the Profiles Survey

In view of Saint Valentines, YouGov Profiles by Focus Bari | YouGov reveals the contemporary views of Greeks regarding Love and Marriage: discover what Greeks feel about the institution of marriage, the extent to which they depend on their family’s approval of their partner, the degree in which they relate their personal happiness with a relationship and much more! See the whole presentation here

Remote working after the pandemic

Is remote work going to continue after the pandemic? According to Focus Bari | YouGov latest survey, two out of five Greeks have worked or still work remotely during the last two years, they find a lot of benefits and drawbacks in working from home, and ideally, they wish for a combination of both remote and office work after the pandemic ends. See the full presentation of the survey results here

Study on private label brands

Consumption of private labels at the Greek supermarkets has skyrocketed at 94% in 2021 according to the latest study conducted by Focus Bari via the Focus Bari | YouGov private online panel. The market of private labels seems to have grown tremendously within the last twenty years, comparing results of three national studies : Το 2000, ο ένας στους δύο Έλληνες καταναλωτές (50%) αγόραζαν τακτικά/συστηματικά τουλάχιστον ένα είδος σε private label.

  • In 2000, one in two Greeks (50%) regularly purchased at least one product category of private labels.
  • This proportion is found at 77% in the study of 2010, and has reached 94% in the July 2021 study.
  • What also seems impressively increased is the variety of different product categories that consumers prefer to buy in private labels : with toilet paper and napkins at the top, followed by detergents and cleaners, around 40 different product categories are purchased in private labels at the Greek supermarkets.
  • Interestingly, both in the 2010 and the 2021 studies, the majority of consumers perceive private labels as “value for money products”, yet…
  • If a branded product is found at an offer or a price approaching that of the private label, the majority of consumers tend to prefer the branded one.

Key Learning : brands hold their power, provided they approach consumers with empathy in view of the squeezed economic & pandemic conditions

Read the full presentation of the study here

Super market shopping & food consumption during the pandemic

According to a new global survey conducted by Focus Bari | YouGov in 17 countries, the pandemic year has brought about new shopping habits as well as consumption of specific food categories and food delivery habits among the Greeks.  Actually, the survey showed that:

  • Four out of ten Greeks shopped supermarket goods online at least once during the pandemic, and one out of three intend to keep this habit in the future.
  • 13% say they prefer the online channel as their main one for supermarket shopping, while 9% intend to adopt this habit in the future, as well.
  • As far as specific sources are concerned, nine out of ten have shopped at least once directly from the e-shop of their supermarket of preference, while one out of three have also shopped supermarket goods via the app of a food delivery service.
  • More than one in three Greeks have increased consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables during the pandemic, as well as that of house cleaning products.
  • On the contrary, the survey notes a considerable drop in the purchase of pre-cooked meals, ready meals and alcohol.

You can see or download the full presentation of the study here


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