
Xenia Kourtoglou a Guest Keynote Speaker at the EIEP Conference in Trikala

In the context of its nationwide activities, the Hellenic Institute of Customer Service organized a one-day event in Trikala Thessaly in collaboration with Plushost in order to promote the importance of the Customer Experience for businesses. Xenia Kourtoglou, spoke about the Power of Customer Experience, which is a central mission for every organization, presenting data from the Greek market and Greek society, which familiarize businesses with modern consumer demands, mindset, habits, and expectations. In her speech, Kourtoglou highlighted the ever-increasing relationship consumers have with technology, and presented strategies to help all organizations develop a CX culture as well as practical steps to continuously improve the customer experience they offer.

See the whole presentation of Mrs. Kourtoglou here

Xenia Kourtoglou of Focus Bari invited to the 2024 Panorama of Entrepreneurship with the theme Artificial Intelligence

As part of the 2024 Panorama of Entrepreneurship event, an established institution organized for many years at the Athens Concert Hall by Professor Iordanis Ladopoulos, Xenia Kourtoglou participated in a panel on “Artificial Intelligence and how it will affect career paths.” Along with distinguished co-panelists, the panelists discussed potential developments and how individual initiative, continuous and lifelong learning, and the development of human skills can help both young people and older individuals navigate a positive career trajectory in the era of Artificial Intelligence

Xenia Kourtoglou a Guest Speaker at the EIEP Conference in Trikala

As part of its nationwide activities, the Hellenic Institute of Customer Service organized a seminar in Trikala, Thessaly, in collaboration with Plushost, with the aim of promoting the importance of Customer Experience for businesses. Xenia Kourtoglou spoke about the Power of Customer Experience, which is a central mission for every organization, presenting data from the Greek market and society that familiarize businesses with modern consumer demands, mindset, habits, and expectations. In her speech, Ms. Kourtoglou emphasized the increasingly close relationship between consumers and technology, and presented strategies that help all organizations develop a CX culture as well as practical steps for the continuous improvement of the customer experience they offer.

See the whole presentation of Mrs. Kourtoglou here

Xenia Kourtoglou, Keynote Guest Speaker at the Korinth Chamber of Commerce on the International Womens’ Day

Celebrating Women’s Day and supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship, the Corinth Chamber of Commerce organized a seminar with Xenia Kourtoglou as the keynote speaker. In her speech, Xenia Kourtoglou presented the results of a public opinion survey regarding the position and treatment of Greek women in modern work environments, as well as in society and family in general. She urged all women—whether they are employees, entrepreneurs, or not—to inspire those around them, continually striving to become better versions of themselves and rightfully claiming the position they deserve.

See Xenia Kourtoglou’s presentation here.

Xenia Kourtoglou Keynote Speaker at the Annual Cosmoestetica Conference & Exhibition

Cosmoestetica, the annual Conference-Exhibition of the Hellenic Association of Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology (PSAMKA), was completed with great success and a large turnout of delegates on March 2nd and 3rd, 2024, focusing on the latest developments in aesthetics and cosmetology. Xenia Kourtoglou, an expert in Mental Resilience, presented research findings on the habits and mindset of Greeks regarding health, beauty, and nutrition, while emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to health, as the three dimensions of the human organism—mind, body, and soul—are in continuous and dynamic interaction.

See Mrs. Kourtoglou’s presentation here

Focus Bari Exclusive Survey For Applia 2024 Conference

The Applia 2024 Conference took place with great success on February 26, 2024 at the Grande Bretagne Hotel in Athens.  More than 230 leaders of the electrical appliances market and the large retailers attended the conference, where top speakers from the academia, the retail and the AI/technology community presented the current status, challenges, and future developments of consumers, society and the market.  Xenia Kourtoglou, Founder of Focus Bari, presented the latest trends in Greeks’ relationship with technology, the current societal challenges and the findings of a national survey conducted exclusively for the conference.  In her presentation, Xenia Kourtoglou underlined the current “Tech Gaps”, “Society Gaps” and “Loyalty Gaps” currently observed according to Greek consumers attitudes and habits.

You can see the whole presentation here


Xenia Kourtoglou presented at the 15th Health Expo Athens

The 15th Health Expo Athens was conducted with great success at the Athens Concert Hall on February 24 and 25.  The event attracted a huge number of attendants and hosts from all over Greece and Cyprus, offering a rich agenda of specialized, parallel sessions.  Xenia Kourtoglou, Founder Focus Bari presented the results of a large-scale quantitative and qualitative survey titled “The Big Life Questions among Four Generations”.  Describing in detail the profile of each generation—Z, Millennials, X, Boomers—the study revealed the different mentalities, aspirations, life, work and leadership values, as well as the substantial gap between them.  Xenia Kourtoglou underlined the value and contribution that each generation brings to the family, society and workplace, emphasizing that if all generations develop empathy, they will be able to co-exist and cooperate smoothly at any environment.

You can find the whole survey presentation here


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