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10 / 032025Beauty & Self-Expression in the Digital Age: The Attitudes of Greek Women

Beauty & Self-Expression in the Digital Age: The Attitudes of Greek Women

New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari:

Focus Bari, in order to investigate and understand contemporary perceptions of beauty in Greece, conducted a National Survey, the results of which were presented at the 48th COSMOESTETICA. This publication also includes data from YouGov Profiles, which reveal:

- Beauty, fashion and wellness stand out as the most popular online destinations for Greek women, with trends in the health and wellness sector constantly gaining ground.
- Greek women's digital shopping carts are filled with fashion, beauty and gadgets, reflecting contemporary market priorities.
- Greek women are informed about new trends and beauty products mainly through social media and influencers, with the influence of digital platforms being stronger on the younger ones.
- Quality and safety remain non-negotiable, the most timeless important criteria for Greek women when choosing beauty products, remaining loyal to what they know and trust, but with room for change.
- The popularity of filters in the photos they upload to social media is universal, with younger women accepting them as normal, while mature ones are more hesitant to use them.

See the whole survey presentation here

26 / 022025Redefining beauty in Greece: Naturalness, Care and Self-Confidence in the Spotlight!

Redefining beauty in Greece: Naturalness, Care and Self-Confidence in the Spotlight!

New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari:

Focus Bari, in order to investigate and understand contemporary perceptions of beauty in Greece, conducted a new National Survey on the topic: "Approaching Beauty in Greece: Perceptions, Habits & Attitudes". The results were presented at the 48th COSMOESTETICA, and reveal that:

- Greek women recognize the value of inner beauty, however, for most, grooming remains the "key" to boosting self-confidence.
- Beauty is associated with health, naturalness and authenticity for two in three Greek women, while they also recognize the importance of improvement and anti-aging.
- Greek women, especially younger ages, invest heavily in their beauty and self-care, seeking the right balance of naturalness and confidence.
- One in two express a positive attitude towards cosmetic dermatological interventions, while they appear more cautious towards cosmetic plastic surgery.
- But grooming is no longer just a woman's business, as one in three men systematically follows a skin care routine, marking a new era in self-care.

See the whole survey presentation here

06 / 022025Feelings, Opinions & Social Media: Valentine’s Day in Greece

Valentine's Day: Personal Moments of Love and Relaxation for Greeks!

New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari:

Focus Bari, aiming to capture the attitudes and moods of Greeks on Valentine's Day, conducted a new National Survey on the topic: "Emotions, Opinions & Social Media: Valentine's Day in Greece". The results reveal interesting findings and differentiations by demographic audience groups. Specifically:

- Valentine's Day evokes emotions το many, but for two out of three Greeks it is just another day.
- One in three celebrates with a romantic dinner or relaxing moments at home, while most believe that love should be a daily celebration.
- Approximately three out of five Greeks plan to spend an average of €30.57 on Valentine's Day.
- The "perfect day" for most Greeks exists and includes relaxation and carefreeness, as well as spontaneity.
- The majority of social media users enjoy posts with humorous memes about love and singles, while pretentious posts about the ideal and the special cause discomfort.

See the whole survey presentation here

23 / 012025Greeks in a Threshold: Uncertainty, Search for Alternatives and Difficulty of Adapting to Economic Reality!

Greeks in a Threshold: Uncertainty, Search for Alternatives and Difficulty of Adapting to Economic Reality!

New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari:

Οι Έλληνες σε Μεταίχμιο: Αβεβαιότητα, Αναζήτηση Εναλλακτικών και Δυσκολία Προσαρμογής στην Οικονομική Πραγματικότητα!

Focus Bari, with the aim of capturing the financial reality of Greeks, conducted a new major survey.

The results, entitled: "Financial Situation of Greeks: Present and Future", highlight the prevailing economic conditions and the challenges faced by citizens and their strategies in managing their finances, while revealing the differences between demographic groups.

More specifically:

- Two out of five Greeks are satisfied with their permanent employment, while more than one out of four either have a second job or are planning to find one.
- More than one in two Greeks are looking for alternative sources of income, apart from their salary.
- Only one in four Greeks declare full control over their finances, and almost all limit their spending, even on basic necessities.
- The majority of citizens feel economic insecurity, with only 5% expressing confidence about the future, and one in three predicting a worsening of the situation.
- Despite this, the mood to save remains positive, as only 9% state that they have never saved and do not intend to do so in the future.

See the whole survey presentation here

10 / 012025The Social Perception of Wealth Building and Economic Challenges in Greece!

The Social Perception of Wealth Building and Wealth Creation Economic Challenges in Greece!

New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari:

Η Κοινωνική Αντίληψη για το Χτίσιμο Πλούτου και τις Οικονομικές Προκλήσεις στην Ελλάδα!

Focus Bari, in order to capture the perception of Greeks around wealth building and their economic beliefs, has conducted a new large-scale survey.
The results, entitled «Economic Psychology of Greeks: Attitudes and Behaviours» highlights the challenges, expectations and contradictions regarding happiness and wealth acquisition and the differences between the demographic groups.

More specifically:

- Two out of three Greeks find it difficult to build wealth from scratch in Greece, with younger people being optimistic.
- The vast majority of Greeks report that the financial difficulties affect their psychology, while money is not considered a panacea for their happiness.
- Although most people say that having a lot of money is a privilege of the wealthy, young people display a more positive approach
- The association of wealth with unethical practices increases with age, however, the perception of the 'rich and good man' remains 'alive' in Greece.
- Only one in four Greeks believe that the personal and professional happiness can coexist.

See the whole survey presentation here

13 / 122024Christmas in Greece: Tradition, Love and Inspiring Moments!

Christmas in Greece: Tradition, Love and Inspiring Moments!

- New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari –

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of health and vision!

Focus Bari, wanting to capture the attitudes and preferences of Greeks for Christmas, conducted a new nationwide Survey, according to which:

  • Most Greeks decorate their Christmas tree by early December and keep their Christmas traditions to prove their worth.
  • For Christmas treats, they prefer a combination of homemade and ready-made sweets, with most people actively involved in the preparation of homemade creations. The most popular choice being melomakarona!
  • For Christmas gifts, the public balances between online and physical shopping, with many choosing exclusively physical stores for the atmosphere and festive experience they offer.
  • Over the festive season, Greeks plan to spend an average of €97.1 on personal shopping and €116.8 on gifts for loved ones.
  • As for Santa Claus, he is considered a symbol of joy and a nice story for children...

See the whole survey presentation here

03 / 122024Greeks Embrace Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Risks and Great Expectations!

Greeks Embrace Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Risks and Great Expectations!
- New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari –

Focus Bari, systematically monitoring the relationship and views of Greeks regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI), conducted a new Nationwide Survey titled: 'Greeks and Artificial Intelligence: Attitudes & Impact,' which revealed the following findings:

  • One in two Greeks uses at least one AI tool, with ChatGPT standing out as the most popular.
  • AI opens new professional horizons for most Greeks, especially its users, boosting skills and opportunities.
  • In the e-commerce sector, AI is expected to enhance store operations and improve the customer experience, according to Greek expectations.
  • Despite the enthusiasm, the development of AI raises concerns about potential job losses and an increased threat of fraud.
  • The need for strict regulations is universal, with over three in five citizens demanding measures to protect against malicious use and misinformation.

Explore the full survey here.

21 / 112024Experience with pets

Almost Nine out of Ten Greeks have had experience with a pet, a strong lifelong relationship!

- New Pan-Hellenic Survey by Focus Bari -

According to a new nationwide survey by Focus Bari, on the trends and perceptions of Greeks about pets, it is found that:

  • More than three out of five Greeks, are pet owners at the moment with dogs and cats being the most popular.
  • Greek owners show particular sensitivity, preferring half-breed dogs and tile cats, while young people 18-24 show a preference for pedigree pets.
  • The vast majority of owners recognise the cost and commitment involved in caring for a pet, but this does not prevent them from getting one.
  • The main reason that Greeks choose to have a pet is their positive effect on mental health/balance, but also on the development of children.
  • Seven out of ten owners say that the care of their pet is a personal matter and they appear punctual in their obligations.
  • Pet owners mainly consult the veterinarian and the local petshop for feeding their four-legged friends.

See the whole survey presentation here


08 / 112024Greece in the digital age mainly via mobile

Greece in the digital age mainly via mobile: Increasing use of the internet, social media and online shopping!

- The new edition of Focus on Tech Life Tips by Focus Bari -

According to the new edition of Focus on Tech Life by Focus Bari, which has been conducted nationwide continuously since 1995, it is observed:

  • Almost all of Greece is online, with the Region showing impressive growth.
  • Dynamic entry into the digital world for older age groups, with 45+ increasing dramatically.
  • Mobile phone use for online activities is exploding across the country, with Thessaloniki standing out on social media.
  • More than three out of four Greeks demand more protection from the state against electronic piracy and cybercrime.

See the whole survey presentation here

23 / 102024Views and Challenges for Private Universities in Greece

Uncertain and Insecure Greeks

for the operation of private universities in our country!

- New National Survey by Focus Bari on Private Universities -

According to a new Panhellenic Survey by Focus Bari, on the topic:

"Views & Challenges for Private Universities in Greece",it is found that:

  • Widespread insecurity among Greeks regarding the operation of private universities in Greece, highlighting the need for information and dialogue.
  • Opinions differ by generation: older people support private educational institutions, 25-34 express opposition, while younger people remain neutral, showing a wait-and-see or even confused attitude.
  • The main concern of citizens about private universities is the possible exclusion of the economically weak from higher education with the gradual abolition (or downgrading) of public educational institutions.
  • Η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των Ελλήνων συνεχίζει τη μόρφωσή τους μετά το Λύκειο, ενώ η αυξανόμενη συμμετοχή γυναικών στα ανώτερα- ανώτατα επίπεδα εκπαίδευσης, υποδηλώνει σημαντικές αλλαγές στο εκπαιδευτικό τοπίο.

See the whole survey presentation here

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