Uncertain and Insecure Greeks
for the operation of private universities in our country!
– New National Survey by Focus Bari on Private Universities –
According to a new Panhellenic Survey by Focus Bari, on the topic:
“Views & Challenges for Private Universities in Greece“,it is found that:
- Widespread insecurity among Greeks regarding the operation of private universities in Greece, highlighting the need for information and dialogue.
- Opinions differ by generation: older people support private educational institutions, 25-34 express opposition, while younger people remain neutral, showing a wait-and-see or even confused attitude.
- The main concern of citizens about private universities is the possible exclusion of the economically weak from higher education with the gradual abolition (or downgrading) of public educational institutions.
- Η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία των Ελλήνων συνεχίζει τη μόρφωσή τους μετά το Λύκειο, ενώ η αυξανόμενη συμμετοχή γυναικών στα ανώτερα- ανώτατα επίπεδα εκπαίδευσης, υποδηλώνει σημαντικές αλλαγές στο εκπαιδευτικό τοπίο.
See the whole survey presentation here