
Η Κοινωνική Αντίληψη για το Χτίσιμο Πλούτου και τις Οικονομικές Προκλήσεις στην Ελλάδα!
The Social Perception of Wealth Building and Economic Challenges in Greece!

The Social Perception of Wealth Building and Wealth Creation Economic Challenges in Greece!

New Nationwide Survey by Focus Bari:

Η Κοινωνική Αντίληψη για το Χτίσιμο Πλούτου και τις Οικονομικές Προκλήσεις στην Ελλάδα!

Focus Bari, in order to capture the perception of Greeks around wealth building and their economic beliefs, has conducted a new large-scale survey.
The results, entitled «Economic Psychology of Greeks: Attitudes and Behaviours» highlights the challenges, expectations and contradictions regarding happiness and wealth acquisition and the differences between the demographic groups.

More specifically:

Two out of three Greeks find it difficult to build wealth from scratch in Greece, with younger people being optimistic.
The vast majority of Greeks report that the financial difficulties affect their psychology, while money is not considered a panacea for their happiness.
– Although most people say that having a lot of money is a privilege of the wealthy, young people display a more positive approach
– The association of wealth with unethical practices increases with age, however, the perception of the ‘rich and good man’ remains ‘alive’ in Greece.
Only one in four Greeks believe that the personal and professional happiness can coexist.

See the whole survey presentation here

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